The Blog

Navigating Life's Beautiful Mess: Finding Purpose Amidst the Chaos

Welcome to the beautiful mess of life, where chaos and serenity dance in a delicate balance. In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, it's easy to feel overwhelmed by the never-ending to-do lists, unexpected challenges, and constant noise vying for our attention. But amidst the chaos lies an...

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Green Thumb Guide to Personal Growth

Cultivating Your Potential

Are you ready to dig into a topic that's both fun and fruitful?

Well, grab your gardening gloves and your watering can, because today we're exploring the wonderful world of personal growth through the lens of planting seeds and nurturing our inner gardens!

Planting the...

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The Rhythm of Your Life: Finding Your Cadence for Thriving in Life, Business & Beyond


Life is your masterpiece, and you are the conductor of its symphony, orchestrating the notes and rhythms that define your existence. Just as a composer crafts a melody, you have the power to shape the cadence of your life. Join us on a journey of self-discovery as we explore the art...

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Unlocking the Icy Magic: Cold Plunging for Healing and Wellness

Today, I want to delve even deeper into the world of cold plunging, shedding light on some fascinating facts about this transformative practice and the incredible equipment that can enhance your journey to well-being.


The Chilly Awakening:


My cold plunging adventure began in the...

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Healing the Brain I Fried - Lessons 6 months into recovery

Feeling tired, overwhelmed or stressed?  What about irritable or forgetful?  Perhaps you feel like you just can't seem recharge fully anymore.  Overnight, weekends or even a vacation just doesn't seem to really charge you to 100%.  You know something is off - maybe you have...

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Harmony & Hustle The Art of Managing Your Energy, Capacity & Time

The concept of work-life balance has been around forever (or at least as long as I can remember), but it has become increasingly clear that the term is overused and somewhat misleading. Balancing life and work implies that the two are of equal value or priority in our life.  It also suggests...

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My Story: Mental Health Milestones

The Canadian Mental Health Association’s Mental Health Week is an important initiative that aims to raise awareness about the state of our psychological and emotional well-being. It is a time for reflection, connection, and action to support mental health and well-being in our communities.

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Mayhem, Management or Mastery

Mayhem, Management or Mastery?

Change can feel scary, hard & generally daunting, but it doesn't have to.

The truth is that change, even changes we are in control of and asking for can seem like a huge challenge or risk.  And we all know that changes we don't have a say or roll in are the...

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